Scenarist BD Blu-ray Disc Authoring
To users of Scenarist BD version a:
The following significant updates have been made:
Starting from V6.2, the license has been changed to dongle-free, allowing for usage with a network license.
SBD v6 and later versions support Windows 10, and SBD v2024 and later versions support Windows 11.
Scenarist Designer 2023 is now bundled and sold with SBD 2024.
New Features
*New Features Added in SBD v8:
Significant improvements to SBD Mux speeds
Massive improvements and efficiencies to seamless branching workflow
New and highly efficient Seamless Playlist Asset Handling workflow for batch asset importing
Redesigned and automated entire disc layout algorithm and workflow
New Startup Sequence – Authors can now define which playlists load, and in which order, by using the new “Startup Sequence” in the Stream Editor
New File Linking – Files can now be linked so that the automatic layout algorithm will place linked files next to each other in the final layout
Allow start time input vs offset time code to trim audio
Create “Repeat Count” property for play-items to loop menus
Add Move Up/Down buttons in toolbar to reorder streams in playlist editor
*New Features Added in SBD v9:
Add support for 3D seamless branching
3D workflow enhancements for seamless branching
3D subtitle workflow enhancements
Remove PlayListMark and Volume ID warnings from Detect Warning(s) dialog box
Ability to change the project’s name upon importing it into a solution
Add CMF output directory to the project properties window when a new project is created or imported and also in the Project Settings
Automatically delete the subpath when deleting a playitem that is mid playlist
Allow reorder of playitems with a subpath, in a playlist
Enable select/unselect stream (Select ES…) for all clips in playlist
Simplify the metadata creation window and automatically add the metadata files to the logical layout when created
Retrim audio length to match the video length when the video is updated in the Data Tree
Copy clipID when copying clips from one project to another
Add Volume Label field to the project properties window when a new project is created or imported
Ensure that both Distributor and Content Owner are filled in when one is in the New/Import dialog
Update tab order in New/Import Project dialogs
Auto select OFS file
Automatically find dependent files when re-pointing base files for 3D
When copying a clip, the data should not be duplicated in the Data Tree
*New Features Added in SBD v2022:
Copy streamID – copying streams between projects now includes the streamID saving significant effort in recoding or project ID updates
DL folder compliance check enhancement – validates .jpg images correctly saved with JFIF headers required for Jacket Picture
Set Audio Time Code in the Data Tree automatically – saves significant time and effort in diagnosing t/c issues with audio streams in the Data Tree
New Playlist Mark Options – Massive time saver that allows chapter marks automatically
Additional new features please check release notes
*New Features Added in SBD v2024:
Windows 11 Support
Now sub-directories are created automatically for you when entering paths in the Output/Encode/CMF path fields simplifying new or imported project organization
The PG offset workflow has been reintegrated into the PG trimming tool
Now the Data Tree and Stream Tree are automatically positioned side-by-side providing a more intuitive user experience
We’ve made .m4v assets directly importable into the Data Tree
Now you can drag-and-drop chapter .csv files directly into the Stream Editor or Data Tree
To avoid potential issues, a warning dialog is now provided when adding assets with different frame rates into a clip
A new property in the Disc Layout editor displays the file path for the 00000 (BD-J) folder used in your project
Resolved Issues
*Resolved Issues Added in Scenarist BD v8:
SBD-598 — Failed to upgrade to 6.2 build from old version application
SBD-659 — Improve TS estimation by calculating TS packet paddings
SBD-665 — The estimation is not correct with trimmed Joint ES streams
SBD-707 — Fix installer so that Installer can update over existing version
SBD-714 — Fix for errors importing AVC assets occasionally into Scenarist BD
SBD-745 — Add function to automatically backup .jar files and content folders that .jar files access
*Resolved Issues Added in Scenarist BD v9:
Slow UI update when adding/deleting a stream from the Stream Editor that has 20+ streams
Large play item repeat count causes a verification error – static metadata field
Subtitle update problems in certain situations
Repeat Count with DoVi Clips not creating subpath clip in all repeated items
File path too long error at mux
Behavior of BACKUP folders in Logical Layout
Ignore invalid characters in BDN Title Attribute
When copying a clip, the data should not be duplicated in the Data Tree
Stream editor refresh issues during PES trimming
Title element in BDN should be used instead of filename during import
Logical layout may be empty on occasion
UHD verification error: PTS value is not on the video frame grid
Subtitle import/PES overlap
DTS audio trimmed using the DTS Bitstream Tools cannot be imported in certain situations
Occasionally, subtitles require two full muxes in project file in order to be visible in mux
Not generating the Wrapping.img folder required for accessing an image file
DTS smoothing causes playback issues on some players
Batch import not trimming subtitles correctly after first clip of playlist
Unable to find a layer break in a 3D project that is dual layer
Extent information overlaps – Image process fails
Extent Size Error On Image Creation
CMF “Content Owner” string needs to allow 256 characters
Invalid PES packets in batch import where there are no events
*Resolved Issues Added in Scenarist BD v2022:
Atmos Trim File Not Updated When TC Is Changed
Dragging a slideshow asset from the Data Tree straight to the Stream folder causes mux error
Allow lowercase letters in the Volume Label
Facility name length in project settings is capped at 20 characters
Tree Ordering (Bug – Older 5.x versions of SBD kept the order)
UI Appears Frozen During Dolby MLP Process
File Tracker fails to replace files after locating files
Unable to create a CMF
Error deleting copied clips using trimmed PGs
SBD freezes during the pre-mux process, on a large branching titles
Partial mux clip status “undone” in Layout Editor
Eclipse verification error: CMF File Extent missing or incorrect
Deleting a playlist with 30 or more slideshow assets results in (Error : Application Error)
Creating a 3D playlist containing a IG stream corrupts UI/project/solution
License Security Error: There was an error loading the license security library: Invalid class
*Resolved Issues Added in Scenarist BD v2024:
Synchronized subtitle order in clips and playlists
Fixed cases where a full remux was performed instead of a partial remux
Corrected unnecessary remuxing when applying colors to clips
Ensured Volume Label Info visibility after project creation